Kitten Guide

Thinking of getting a cat…

Is a cat right for you ?
Lot of things are there to consider when owning a cat.The way the cat acts and responds depends on its genes and its surrounding,
The kitten learns most socialising skills upto eight weeks from their birth.

Questions you have to ask yourself:
Q- Can you take out some time in a day in your daily routine.
Q- Do you have some other pets at home,adjusting with other pets may take sometime or may not.
Q- Do you have outdoor open sapce or your meo will live only indoors.
Q- Are you in a proffession in which you are out of the house full-day,then who will look after your cat/kitten in that scenario.
Q- Are you ready for the financial commitment such as food,vet bills & grooming is required.

These questions will help you to decide that whether you and your home is ready for a new member or not.

…and now when you are ready to bring a kitten/cat to your ho me there are certain number of things to be followed for a healthy,happy and safe petting.

1. Preparing for a kitten/cat
be sure to stock necessary requirements such as:

  • Id tags
  • Litter & litter tray
  • Food & bowl
  • Toys
  • Sleeping crate

2. Kitten-proof your home
There are number of things that can be dangerous to your cat/kitten both inside as well as outside the home:

  • Dustbins
  • House cleaning products/Toxic liquids
  • Electrical sockets/open wires
  • Breakables

3. Barricade balconies & terrace

4. Feeding your fur-ballt
For pet cats/kitten food intake depends on various aspects.They prefer eating in a calm space,away from everyone with a clear way of escape.

  • As we humans like variety of food,frequent and continous variation in taste is not suited to a cat/kitten digestion.
  • Most kittens start eating solid food when they are between 4-5 weeks old.
  • By the time your kitten is six weeks old,he should be eating both solid and canned kitten food.
  • This is also the right time to introduce a low litter box/tray where they can climb in and out easily.
  • Kittens need large amount of energy about 2-3 times that of an adult cat,they need about 30% energy and that comes from protien,hence it is important that the food you offer is specifically formulated for kittens and they will continue it till their maturity i.e about one year of age.
  • The poaching behaviour of cats plays a large role, which is why they consume small meals multiple times in a day rather than having one or two large portions in a day.
  • Canned or wet food has higher water intake,keeping them hydrated and their tummy is full.

5. Activities & Excercise

  • You might not remove scars that your cat/kitten leaves on your walls or furniture but do have one scratching board atleast at home.
  • Variety of toys should be rotated from time to time to keep them interested and busy.
  • Just make sure that your kitten isn’t left alone with any small toys so that he may swallow it.

6. Hygiene & Health

  • Litter trays are an important part of your cat/kitten daily routine,cats are very particular about their toileting habits.Litter box/tray not only provides a fix place for a cat to
  • fresh-up but it also allows the pet owner for a easy clean-up of the pet.
  • Brushing their teeth is important for oral care and using a cat toothbrush with a toothpaste is recommended.
  • Infected kittens that are not dewormed can also have their growth and development negatively impacted. Healthy adult cats rarely have significant health issues from having worms, but they are at risk enough to say they need to be dewormed.
  • Take your new kitten to the vet for a checkup and routine vaccinations.

7. Grooming
A clean & healthy cat is a happy cat.

  • Brushing/combing your cat not only removes dirt,grease,dead hair,dandruff & skin flakes but it helps in blood circulation also which leads to healthy skin.
  • Hair shedding in cats is a normal process and pet cats may shed all the year round.
  • A good quality hair & skin booster can be administered round the year which will help soft,lustrous & healthy skin and minimise shedding.
  • In india persian breed is common and they have long hair which requires careful untangling of the coat with the thin comb.
  • Combing twice a week is recommended for long hair & Medium coat.

stay connected for usefull tips………. happy Me-owing

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