Farmina N&D Ancestral Grain-Chicken-Pomegranate Puppy Starter Dry Food

N&D Ancestral Grain, the nutritional system for carnivores with over 90% of proteins of high biological value animal origin and just a few ancestral cereals, spelt and oats: Complete food for puppies during weaning up to two months of age


All Breed Puppies Upto 2 Months of Age


N&D Ancestral Grain features a low glycaemic index which allows a gradual energy release throughout the day;
Only natural antioxidants, tocopherols rich extracts, for a natural preservation of the product;
Made without GMO;
Packaged in a protective atmosphere. During the packaging process, nitrogen is filled in the bags that replaces oxygen and provides a natural preservation of the food.
Rich in high-quality life essentials, including precious vitamins, which have a longer efficacy thanks to the cold infusion technology.

Additional information

Pack Size

800g, 2.5kg


boneless chicken (25%), dehydrated chicken protein (18%), chicken fat, spelt (10%), oats (10%), dehydrated herring protein, dried beet pulp, dried eggs, fish oil (from herring), dried spinach, chicken cartilage (source of glucosamine and chondroitin sulphate), dried brewers’ yeast, inulin, fructo-oligosaccharides, yeast extract (source of manno-oligo-saccharides), sodium chloride, monodicalcium phosphate, potassium chloride, calcium carbonate, dried pomegranate (0.5%).

Additives Per Kg

Nutritional additives: Vitamin A 13000IU; Vitamin D3 1300IU; Vitamin E 130mg; Vitamin C 130mg; Niacin 33mg; Calcium D-pantothenate 13mg; Vitamin B2 6.5mg; Vitamin B6 5.2mg; Vitamin B1 3.9mg; Biotin 0.33mg; Folic acid 0.39mg; Vitamin B12 0.052mg; Choline chloride 2500mg; Beta-carotene 1.5mg; Zinc (zinc oxide): 86.7mg; Zinc (zinc sulphate monohydrate):43.7mg; Manganese (manganous sulphate monohydrate): 48.8mg; Iron [iron(II) sulphate monohydrate]: 14.5mg; Iron [iron(II) carbonate]: 28.9mg; Copper [copper(II) sulphate pentahydrate]: 12.8mg; Iodine (calcium iodate anhydrous): 1.56mg; Selenium (sodium selenite): 0.101mg; DL-methionine, technically pure 4500mg; L-Lysine-monohydrochloride, technically pure 800mg.

Analytical Compounds

Crude protein 30.00%; Crude fat 22.00%; Crude fibres 1.10%; Moisture 9.00%; Crude Ash 7.50%; Calcium 1.10%; Phosphorus 0.91%; Omega-6 3.40%; Omega-3 0.90%; DHA 0.50%; EPA 0.30%; Glucosamine 1200mg/kg; Chondroitin sulphate 900mg/kg.

Country Of Origin


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